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Filler Injections
Soft tissue augmentation with filler injections are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, designed to soften wrinkles, lessen the visibility of scars, and smooth skin, injectable fillers are a non-surgical, minimally invasive medical procedure to soften the visible effects of aging. The different types of fillers include collagen, hyaluronic acid, biosynthetic polymers, hydroxylapatite or even fat taken from elsewhere on the patient’s own body. The best candidates for injectable fillers are physically healthy nonsmokers who have realistic goals for improving their appearance.How the Procedure Works
After a patient is deemed a good candidate for injectable fillers, he or she receives treatment through an outpatient procedure. Here is how the simple four-step process works:- Marking the Area. Before begin the injections, the Dr. Potyondy will mark the patient’s face to identify exactly where injections are to be made.
- Washing and Numbing Injection Site. The doctor will use an antibacterial agent to cleanse the site, as well as some form of topical or local anesthetic, depending on the patient’s case and desires.
- Injections. Making the injections only takes 10 to 20 minutes total for one course of treatments, although more involved cases may require multiple courses of injections.
- Cleansing and Icing Injection Site. After the injections are complete, the facial markings get washed off, the patient can ice the area if desired and makeup may be reapplied if desired, carefully and with little pressure. Any swelling usually subsides within 24 hours.
Results to Expect from Injectable Fillers
After receiving injectable fillers, a patient will typically notice an improved appearance right away, with results improving over the next several weeks and months. Downtime is minimal, some patients experience bruising at the injection site, and most patients can return to their normal daily activities immediately following treatment. The change in appearance can last for up to a year. Nonetheless, these changes are not permanent. Eventually the face will return to its original appearance, at which point the patient may repeat treatment if desired.